Future School On Earth
School is a place where people gain their knowledge and make them know about things around the world.In the next 35 years,every school on Earth will look different from now.They might use only computers or laptops they don't need books or other study supplies such as pencil,pen,eraser,..........,etc.All the classroom will be full of modern facilities like air conditioner,projector, and internet. There will be no real teachers,people might study by looking at thier own laptop or computer then teachers will appear on the screen.All schools in the world will have plenty of rooms for students to rent and live in there.There will be no cafeteria for students,because in the future people will create a machine that can makes food for us.So it is easier than cooking or making it.The school will have many floors (it can be 75 to 100 floors) and there will be lots of elevators for the people who study in the school to go up and down.I think schools in the future is more confortable than now.BY NETH
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