Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Haunted Mansion

Along time ago there were 5 people are driving in the forest then suddenly their car is empty and stop in front of an old mansion.they are all tired and said lets take a rest here in this mansion.then they walked to the the front of mansion.then they knock the door there no answer but the door open it self they all walk in to the mansion it was dark and spooky suddenly they saw a white spirit float across them then they ran back to the door but the door closed it self they are all trap in this mansion they asked each other what should we do now they continue walking.then there a evil eagle with claws and dash to them and kill 2 of them 3 of them are OK they continue walking and saw a writing with bloods it said GET OUT! they all rush back to the door it still closed and ran to the room all the door in the mansion are all closed there were no way out. A back shadow rush at them and they couldn't breath they are all dead.

written by chhayaroth

1 comment:

  1. Very one survived.

    It gave me goosebumps!!!!!

