Where: Koh Pich bridge
When: Around 10 pm on 22nd of November 2010 (The third day of Water Festival)
Cause of Accident: Panic, which leaded to Stampede
Cause of Panic: Suffocation and Electrocution (caused by contact with metal guard rails on either side of the bridge)
Reported Death (Official): 351 (Women: 222)
Reported Injured (Official): 395
In my opinion, i think this incident is because of the victims and police were not careful and the rush of people to Koh Pich. There are thousand of people at Koh Pich .When there are people fallen down of dizzy, they didn't help each other. They are selfish. They just think how i could out from here.They keep pushing each other. It causes stampede. They fall down on each other. People who under others, they can't breath well because there isn't enough air. It was very hot so they were so thirsty.Another problem is that police officers were not care full enough. That night they were drunk. They let troublemakers fighting on the bridge. They just see people die. They don’t know how to help the survivor. They don’t have any plan how to help the survivor. They threw the survivor onto the car so it made survivors’ body hurt. We must solve this bad problem. My idea is that all police ought to know how to help injured people in care full way.
Written by Viseth
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