I think in water festival this year it had a big problem at new resort call Koh Pich thousands of Khmer people had died in that time.
This is my opinion I think it is the first time water festival in Cambodia and had a bad disaster like this. If that time had police or security or someone who are know about this and they have duty in this place the people may not dead like this.Some one who want to play a joke and they scream to the million of people that the bridge is break and it make people run and some people are fall on the bridge another and another had fall so people who not fall they run up. Thousands of dead people they can not breath, hot, and no enough water for drink.
I'm so sad that thousands of Khmer people had dead in water festival in this year and this is about my felling I bless their soul going to the heaven.
Written By: LOUCH TENG
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