Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Koh Pich Accident

This is my opinion, that I think about Koh Pich accident that have happened in the night of 22 November 201o(The last night of Water Festival) in Cambodia.The Cambodian people said that are many reasons of the Koh Pich accident.For me I think that happened by some people who were on the bridge and they were joking with each other with the word "The bridge is nearly break" and the bridge is a suspension bridge so many people that came from another province who didn't know about it, were believe them and there are many people on the bridge so they were surprised and try to run away from the bridge.Many people that try to run away so some of them were fall down on each other and they can't breath.
This is a sad thing for me and the Cambodian people and I hope that thing won't be happen again in my country.

Written By Visal

1 comment:

  1. Visal, I think you are right.

    The people could have been joking on the bridge, but then everyone got scared and started to take it seriously. And that's when they started to run.

    We all hope it will never happen again.

