TaeKwonDo ITF
All over the world now like play sports a lot. There are Taekwondo Karate YuDo. This is a type of self protecting sport. And today i like to introduce my interesting sport. My interesting sport is Taekwondo. This sport was found on March 22,1966 by General Choi Hong Hi in Seoul, South Korea. And He Start the name team it call ITF. The full word is International Taekwondo Federation. This federation have all over the world like: China Cambodia Canada USA England and somewhere else. There three part of Taekwondo skill. There are Patterns Sparring and Destruction. Patterns is about the Defensive move. Patterns start and finished at the same place. There 24 patterns there Choon-Ji (19 Movements)) Dan-Gun (21 Movements) Do-San (24 Movements) Won-Hyo (28 Movements) Yul-Gok (38 Movements) Joong-Gun (32 Movements) Toi-Gye (37 Movements) Hwa-Rang (29 Movements) Choong Moo (30 Movements) Kwang Gae (39 Movements) Po-Eun (36 Movements) Ge-Baek (44 Movements) Eui-Am (45 Movements) Choong-Jang (52 Movements) Juche (45 Movements) Sam-il (33 Movements) Yoo-Sin (68 Movements) Choi-Yong (46 Movements) Yon Gae (49 Movements) Ui-Ji (42 Movements) Moon-Moo (61 Movements) So-San (72 Movements) Se Jong (24 Movements) Tong il (56 Movements) that the patterns move. And Sparring is about fighting style to protect yourself from bad guys. In sparring competition there 2 minute in 1 round and there 2 round. But when the total is equal there gonna be 3 round. And about the Destruction is the jumping kick style. And there are six solid color belt there are white yellow green blue red and black. And the Black belt is have nine grade it from 1-9 dan the 9 is the master.
This is the type of belt
White - Signifies innocence, as that of the beginning student who has no previous knowledge of Taekwon-Do.
Yellow - Signifies the earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the foundation of Taekwon-Do is being laid.
Green - Signifies the plant's growth as Taekwon-Do skills begin to develop.
Blue - Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in Taekwon-Do progresses.
Red - Signifies Danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.
First Dan Assistant Instructor
Second Dan Assistant Instructor
Third Dan Assistant Instructor
Fourth Dan Instructor
Fifth Dan Instructor
Sixth Dan Instructor
Seventh Dan Master Instructor
Eight Dan Senior Master Instructor
Ninth Dan The Grand master
This is the type of belt
Written By Veasna Vishnu
I like sport. Doing sport make us healthy.